Tuesday 13- Thursday 15th October 2020
Lameness in dairy cattle – science into actions
Mr Roger Blowey FRCVS – author of various textbooks
Dr Nick J. Bell MRCVS – European specialist
3 day workshop incl. dissection & farm practicals

£795 (no VAT) or £825 per person after early bird closing date (1st October 2020), includes lunches. Numbers strictly limited to 16. Book now to secure your space by emailing Roger with a completed REGISTRATION FORM (pdf version here) to: rogerblowey@mailbox.co.uk or Nick at herdhealth@gmail.com
Combined experience of >60 years in cattle lameness advice
Findings presented from >20 research projects involving the tutors
Fun, dynamic & interactive style
>20 hours of theory & practical relevant to dairy advisors
Technical detail, transformative concepts
To be held at:
Hatherley Manor Hotel, Down Hatherley Lane, Gloucester GL2 9QA
Call Roger 07768 451071 OR
Nick 07870 619211